Mother-in-Law Drops Ice Cubes in my Mouchey :(

She probably knew exactly what she was doing and how much it would piss you off !

When I went to school in France in the late 60s, it was quite common to mix water and red. It’s actually pretty good, kind of a dry wine cooler.
We bought a sturdy Cotes duRhone for 3 francs, good blender.


I brought two bottles of wine to a small gathering a few weeks ago. Tercero Grenache Blanc and Vincent Chardonnay.

A woman was about to top up a partial glass of Tercero with the Vincent, and I told her they’re not the same wine. She just shrugged and said it didn’t matter to her and topped up her glass up.

I guess it shouldn’t matter to me, and I know that’s what you’re supposed to say, but it’s a little annoying to bring good wines to people and have them drink them that way.

Several years ago, I was aghast when my wife’s aunt put an ice cube in a nice chard that I had opened. My wife said to me later that night, “Get over it, you idiot.” Wise advice indeed. And it would’ve been wise even if this relative hadn’t been a wonderful person.

Now you mention that you brought a bottle of wine into your mother-in-law’s home that you’re visiting, planning to avoid giving her a glass! Ouch. I was going to suggest that such plans could be viewed as a “mouchey” move, but instead I’ll repeat the above advice my wife gave to me. It’s wine. She’s family. champagne.gif

Hope the wine was delicious!
Happy Father’s Day,

See, if you were sheltering in place like a good American this would never would have happened.

First rule of fine wine: never, under any circumstances, waste it on those who are *wine illiterate, especially the in-laws!

*Only caveat is those you are educating about wine and are genuinely serious in their desire to understand and learn - anything less than a passion is not acceptable.

Wait, wine illiteracy is how most of us started in this hobby. neener

I started at 5, so can’t say I noticed! [cheers.gif]

Guilty as charged
At the time I thought wine coolers contained real wine
Wine spritzers were a good thing (probably still are if you use some Paul Maison “Chablis” ( which to me at the time was the same as anything else labeled Chablis)

But I was somewhat sophisticated as I refused to drink Yago sangria. My homemade potion with OJ and brandy was far superior

Jim, thank you for the Lunch-time laugh…I really needed it today.

I feel your pain. My wife puts ice in every glass of wine except Champagne. I gave up on her years ago. No accounting for taste.

Wow, that almost tops admitting you used to drink Mateus Rose! [wow.gif]

That almost made the list
I did in fact drink Mateus rose. I thought it was a step up after wine coolers. The shape of the bottle was enticing because as everyone knows wine inherently tastes better when stored in an oblong vessel

I think Mateus is just fabulous when you’re nibbling on a salmon sandwich by the hotel beach. Everything has its place.

No one to blame but yourself, though it doesn’t sound serious.

Mother in Zurich was a huge Faustino fan. She used to keep them in an airing cupboard (low heat). [wow.gif]

Yup it does, as drain cleaner!

I was at a blind tasting where they inserted Mateus. You would have been amused. Reminded me of a prank they once pulled at a modern art gallery by putting up fingerpaintings done by kindergarteners and then asking people to comment on them on camera. One of them had a highly ‘subliminally erotic’ charge.

That old chestnut has been pulled often in many an arena. Think even the late, great, M. Broadbent may’ve been caught out along with others including Parker?