Napa/Sonoma Trip Yes or No?

Everybody is allowed there opinion. No need to criticize. People still need to make a living. If done with Safety in mind, I have no problem helping people in the Economy that rely on patrons to make a living. Nothing in life is Guaranteed, but there is always two sides of a coin if I can use that analogy.

I can help my favorite wineries responsibly by buying direct from them and shipping to me. And I do.

I don’t feel any obligation to show my support in person, particularly in these times. Unfortunately, many people apparently feel that their physical presence is required in exchange for their patronage.

Thanks for the correction Merrill - I hadn’t realized there was indoor dining here. Been trapped in the lab too long pileon

Their physical presence enhances the local lodging, restaurant, rental car, gas station, souvenir shop etal industries as well. We’re all happy you feel the way you do Chris but stop with the self-righteous attitude already.

Hoping to make it up in November. Now more than ever to show support everyway I can.

Thank you Karen, much appreciated. Will reach out as timing becomes clearer.