New interface

Ross, another very useful feature would be the ability to exclude a merchant on a per search/alert basis. A lot of times, I find one merchant has a bottle I’m looking for, but I don’t want to put in an order for a variety of reasons and keep looking for a more convenient vendor to put that bottle up for sale. The only way to do that right now is either manually keep searching or exclude that merchant from all my future searches…


Imagine if Eric at CT did some consulting with WS. Maybe not so much in his interest?

Remember how much people complained on this forum when Eric changed the look of CT?

I agree with Alan - I don’t like the tiles at all.

What exactly is wrong with text? Why does everything have to be icons and graphics and different fonts?

And more importantly, why change simply for change’s sake?

It’s the problem Microsoft has had for years. They come out with a new version of Office and they change the commands. You can still do the same things but you find out that for absolutely no reason at all, they changed the keystrokes.

Anybody knows how can I see the price development graph with the new interface ? Thanks.

Google gets it. Interface is clean and hasn’t really changed for two decades.

These are my top 2 requests as well. So much scrolling to see listings is a bit awkward.

In case it wasn’t clear from my first post I’m also in favor of getting rid of the label images.

They have a contact us link I think on their page. They are pretty nice and emails will come in at night. If you email your suggestions into the help center, they are pretty good about collecting the information and it may have a greater chance to be adopted.

Bigger fonts…more white…made for Millennials and their smartphones.

I am finding WPro does not remember my default search location as well. E.G I have to constantly change the target search geography, which is a bit painful as well, (i) you have to click to change the country, (ii) then click on country drop box, (iii) drop box pops up a few inches away, so you go there to select and click country, and (iv) then move all the way down to click apply… not crazy but a bit painful after doing it 10 times a row linking from CT to see actual offers onwines. It would be great if a default search location was remembered each time/could be set.

[flash=]hated it - YouTube

I’m pretty sure I read someplace that non-millennials have smart phones now too.

I do think some of the complaints here are an artifact of using the site on the phone rather than something with more real estate (a desktop/laptop). I rarely use my phone for these purposes so I suppose the complaints don’t resonate with me as they might with others

There is an app designed for the phone, I never use the browser version on my phone.

yeah I have it. Just never use it

As mentioned before, having to pull down my search country each time I use wine-searcher is a real PITA

U.S. is “sticky” for me. But I have to un-tick auctions each time. It would be nice to have a preferences page where you could set and forget these things

There’s a new feedback button on the right side of the page too. Happy to take on board any and all ideas.

FYI, Wine-Searcher starts picking up price lists from stores at the end of their business day, so we end up working through the (East Coast) night.

Hi, Wine-Searcher uses cookies to remember your last search and your preferred currency. If you are having to change your location each time, please make sure that you have not blocked thee cookies. Please also check that your web browser is (reasonably) up to date.