Next week Europe is going to get hammered by heat

Madrid was 102F today, Granada (city) 104F but on the south side of the mountains here we max’d at 94F…

Well, the sun provides much more than just its direct heat to keep us warm. Without it, there are no plants, thus no animals, thus no food for us - who wouldn’t exist anyway, since we’d be a ball of ice, or lump of cold rock, where life probably never evolves :wink:

Getting back to your initial statement that cooling your house is not bad for the environment: that depends on if you think the CO2 from the generation of power to run your AC is bad, or not. Most of us think it’s bad. And a large (and growing) amount of electricity is used to drive AC around the world.

107 in American. About 100 miles south of Madrid


I am so glad our trip to Spain was last week.

Will it start to cool off tonight in Spain / France / Italy?

Yes, he should have said that southern California is the coolest place on Earth right now.

You are Middle Earth.

Made it to 110+ before it started to cool down. Its100 degrees now at 9:30 pm, but the sun is setting

FWIW when we were in Tuscany the last week of May, producers were freaking out because the vines were 2-3 weeks behind schedule. It had been unusually cool and was when we were there.

Funny. We started our French road trip a week ago from Deauville, now in Bordeaux and so far everywhere it has been 23C/73F and cloudy. Not quite what we were expecting but no complaints really as we did not come here for the sunshine in the first place.