NYC Fall 2021 - Peking Duck House 10/16 5PM

Planning on Peking Duck House… on or around 10/16 or 10/23, what say ye?

Chinatown or Midtown?


Interested for sure. Especially on a Saturday. 2 people.


Interested. Would prefer 10/16

Interested. Both are open at this point.

Either date works for me/us.

The 16th is the Taylor Ham festival in Phillipsburg NJ, so I’d prefer the 23rd.

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I’ll be away the 16th, so preference for the 23rd.

Sounds good to me!
That Taylor Ham festival sounds like something special too.

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I am in if I am here. I will be leaving the last week of October to meander down to Brunson’s Offline-o-rama in Charleston, but if it is before we decide to leave I would love to join, especially since I claim ownership of the “Wines that don’t suck” theme. Even though Good Jay thinks that most of my wines suck!

Mmmm Peking duck… Either day should be fine with me.

I slipped a chenin pinotage blend (IT DID NOT SUCK IF YOU REMEBER) in a wines that do not suck at Hacks house.
Count me in if room no pinotage or chenin blancs (unless accompanied with a well aged vintage prot again)

10/16 looks great!

I’d be interested for sure. Either day.

Be prepared to be carded at the door, if you are older than 21 years.

A few logistics questions which you’ll need to figure out eventually:

Will each table order individually or will we do a fixed menu with the option of ordering additional food? In the past the restaurant has preferred the latter.

Is it pre-pay or pay at the restaurant?

Will it be the old PDH routine of having table captains who organize theme/attendees for their tables? If so, I’m happy to manage a table.

A reminder to everyone that while they have stemware if you’re at all picky you should bring your own. In the past I and others have brought extra so out of towners can borrow.

Shockingly, it did not suck, but it was ranked about 62nd out of 62 wines. What’s a prot? I could bring a port, which is not half bad with spicy Chinese food.

Thanks for bringing this up Jay, yes we are going to do that latter option of a fixed menu, if you check out their website we can see the options, I believe that the $62.00 a person + tax +tip would be ideal. We could do the prepay option and this way, we only charge one card, which I am sure that the restaurant will prefer. Also thanks for volunteering a table… since you are first to offer, you can get preference as to what you would like your theme to be