POLL: How much did you spend on BerserkerDay?

Almost $500 above my $1k limit…
they were…and i was…and deals…and…
My roommate has already remarked that I “have a problem” with the amount of wine I already have tucked into every spare corner of the house. (She doesn’t complain while she’s drinking it though…) I’m going to have to store most of this at a friend’s, both for a lack of storage space and to avoid the judginess!

Man. Together we all probably spent over $125,000.

Todd reported $300K in purchases for last year. My guess is that the threshold has been raised.

I gather data from the participating wineries, also, and yeah, $300k has been breached for sure

This is great! I haven’t been in the top 8% of anything since 3rd grade.

champagne.gif pileon

Went to an Arthritis Foundation benefit in Akron last night and for almost the exact same amount that I spent on BD, I could have been high bidder for a ride in the Goodyear blimp for 6 people.
They probably wouldn’t have let me split the payment between 4 credit cards and a debit card, though!