Retailer check:

you (likely) inadvertently proved my point - there’s no such thing as “real time inventory” on a small enough time scale for certain items. 99.9% of the wines OP didn’t buy at the store were in stock and ready to go, but the wine he wanted wasn’t. no one posts that “i placed an order online and i got the wines. i have no idea if the owner is an asshole because we didn’t have any communications”

He seems to regard rare, collectible bottles as easily obtainable in real-time as ETFs.

FWIW, I buy from Empire Wine several times a year and have never had a problem. I’m not buying anything highly allocated like DRC but I’ve been buying from them for well over a decade without issue.


pick ups from the store tend to adversely affect inventory.

If someone goes to the store and purchases the item off the shelf before someone in the processing the online order picks the item off the shelf. None in stock. Inventory error!

No, they told me that they misread their quantities from their supplier and massively oversold. They just never let me know about it before I took the time to go to pick up.

would op be just as perturbed if the order was for some bourgogne rouge rather than drc? probably not…

Wallys constantly does this. Drives me crazy.

Are you talking about Empire State of Wine or Empire Wine?

I would never expect to be able to put in a web order for DRC listed well below market price in tiny quantities and actually have that order filled. But you found a shop willing to sell you one bottle below market, which is pretty good. If you’d taken them up on it you might have built a relationship that gets you a crack at future allocations.


Aha! You are right, I am talking about Empire State of Wine. Will edit/delete prior post

Because there was no blame in the first place. They should feel guilty for what, exactly?

So basically what you are recommending is to whore yourself to anyone even if they treat you poorly in case they might throw you some scraps from the table after they bend you over? I have don’t need DRC that badly. I have good retailers who treat me fairly to give regular business.

When you stated you went to pick it up I was thinking wow he reallllyy wanted those wines to go all the way to Albany. Lol

You are really not a good person.

Cutting off the nose to spite the face is not advisable.

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Hah! If I hadn’t called ahead to confirm, then shame on me!

Which entirely dismisses your original post.

Correct and my “…” I kind of addressed earlier in the thread. They could have been honest and upfront. If it were me I would have probably spent just as much or more. You’re also dealing with people who are buying DRC - in this case someone who wanted 3 bottles bought them and then the store most likely tried to break that order up to sell a 2 single bottles to 2 more “entitled” customers.

Also it’s 2021 - retailers need to realize their customers are being groomed for 1 click purchases wether they like it or not.

FYI, I called them this afternoon to follow up on the conversation since after my last reply Mike ghosted me. I asked to speak to a manager/owner. She said Mike is a manager and she is a manager also and the owner doesn’t accept calls. All classic signs of poor customer service starting at the top. Anyway, I reconfirmed I was still disappointed in their customer service, but I still wanted the 1 bottle. So in theory they are going to uncancel my order. We’ll see. She didn’t offer me an apology either. Clearly, just the way they do business.

Like I said, everything is open in this thread for you to make your own judgment. For those of you who don’t see anything wrong with this customer service, and don’t think they have anything to apologize for, you’re free to that opinion.

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