Retailer Ghosting Incident

Yes, you’re right.

In reality they serve the shareholders.


I puke every time I hear a CEO say that. It’s the problem with most american business: they think their shareholders are the most important thing. If it’s not 1) customers, 2) employees, 3) shareholders, something is wrong. But I get that I’m pissing into the wind with this opinion…

I’m not saying it’s objectively good. It’s just reality.

Well, if Ian has any mutual fund holdings in, say, a retirement account, he is probably a shareholder of both UPS and Fedex. So he’s been let down both as a customer and a shareholder [wow.gif]

The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few, or the one.

You have made every effort to complete the transaction. Your best bet at this point is to get your money back.

Jason said:

That the UPS/FedExs of the world won’t deliver to each other is beyond stupid. They got my money to do the delivery; what more do they need?

We represented one of these companies because its prior firm had mistakenly delivered a single package to Company A by overnight delivery using Company B. Obviously an oversight by a clerical employee, not a conscious business decision, but no matter. The prior firm was immediately fired and lost a seven figure representation that had been years in the making. So, the idea that one won’t deliver to the other is not surprising to me in the slightest.

They would incur my wrath if this happened to me.

Wow. That is ridiculous.

The wrath of Rath.

[Repeated post deleted]

If there are certain addresses to which a third party shipper won’t ship then it should be up to that shipper to know which addresses those are, and to inform the customer of such BEFORE taking the customer’s money and agreeing to deliver the package. Once the shipper takes the customer’s money they should have to deliver to the address on the package. This refusal of UPS and FedEx to deliver to each other is obnoxious, and it’s not reasonable to expect customers to know of this self-imposed restriction.

And if the retailer agrees to ship they should bear the risk until the product is delivered to the customer, unless clearly and expressly agreed-upon otherwise.


Maybe I missed something, but I thought “my address of record with him was a local UPS transshipment center” means that the address the business was shipping to said “UPS”?

This happened to me back when I would receive my shipments at the local distribution center of UPS or FedEx. At some point, Zachy’s changed from UPS to FedEx and shipped to me “c/o UPS Distribution Center”. By that time, the folks at UPS all new me, so they not only accepted the package, they told me told me about this poor young FedEx driver who walked in with my package. They all thought it was quite funny.

So what’s going on Ian ?

This thread is like “Out of Africa.” I just want to get to the end and know what happens …

Or maybe “Hamlet.” I want our hero to take action! No more suffering the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune. [wow.gif]

No no no - the getting there was a thing of beauty.

Here’s the outcome, summarized. I’m pasting in my last exchange with the retailer at the bottom of the post - it seems best to let him speak for himself. Readers can form their own views.

First, a friendly WB member guessed the identity of the retailer in a PM; as his acquaintance, she offered to mention my concern to him.

Second, the retailer cancelled my order (with refund) angrily, it appears, because I’d written on WB. He then said that two of the shipped bottles ‘seemed damaged.’ I asked him to send me a phone picture of these bottles, saying I’d probably buy them anyway. He demurred.

A few observations related to the retailer’s messages:

  1. The retailer’s answering machine says “Please leave a message, and one of our staff will return your call promptly.” I left at least six phone messages, and sent at least one email message, over five weeks; no response until the the first message below.

  2. After I purchased the Volnay bottles referred to in his message, the retailer bumped the price on his remaining stock by either 50% or 100% (I don’t remember which). In the event he were to conclude, after due consideration, that these bottles are not damaged, resale at the higher price, would garner $120-240 more than the original sale.

  3. In 13 years of shipping wine from New York retailers, I can’t think of a single bottle that was or seemed damaged.

  4. The retailer complains about me accumulating orders before shipping, but, with each purchase from him, I’ve asked if this would be okay, and he’s told me every time it was fine.

  5. As a small volume purchaser, I recognize that I rank low among my suppliers’ priorities, and reasonably so. But it’s instructive to see my insignificance so carefully spelled out.

Retailers, again, if I’m missing the crucial point, from the business perspective, I’d like to hear about it. Post here or PM me.

Thanks again to all who have chimed in.

Date: June 21, 2019 at 7:19 AM
To: Ian Fitzsimmons


First of all, before mouthing off on that silly wine board, send an email and don’t use voice mail. I work alone, I am very busy, and I cannot always get tot the phone or check voicemail regularly. As you know, I shipped the wines as I was supposed to, and they got returned. Two of the bottles of Volnay seemed damaged. At this point, this is just not worth my trouble, as shipping there is too convoluted and I am losing money on these shipments already.

I refunded the orders and we’re done. Thank you,

Max Marinucci president/owner

From: Ian Fitzsimmons Subject: Re: Orders
Date: June 22, 2019 at 6:15 PM
To: Max Marinucci


If you read the Berserkers post, you’d see that (1) I didn’t name you; (2) I said more nice things about you than otherwise; and (3) I only asked for some perspective on this situation, which I haven’t experienced in 20 years of buying fine wines. In general, also, my communications with you have been cordial.

Instead of losing your temper, please send me a camera photo of the ’signs of damage’ you see on the two bottles of Volnay, so I can tell you if it concerns me. Chances are, I will proceed with the purchase as agreed.

You know that I’ve sent emails and left phone messages; the idea that you haven’t checked your messages in four weeks is incredible. You’ve been ignoring my messages, I imagine, because you haven’t wanted to deal with the cost of reshipping, which, as it happens, I’d expected to discuss sharing with you.

Best regards.

Subject: Re: Orders
Date: June 26, 2019 at 11:23 AM
To: Ian Fitzsimmons


Credits have been issued and received. At this point, I much rather leave it as it is. Let me preface what I am writing here by saying that this is nothing personal, but simply business and where I stand today, after 30 years in this industry. Right now, because of restricting shipping laws (which will hopefully change with the supreme court ruling of today), doing business with out of state customers can be complicated and a headache. You seem like a super nice guy so again, this is nothing personal. Over the last eight years (since 2012) you have received thousands of email and placed nine orders totaling $1,670. My profit on that was roughly $300, over eight years. Orders seem always to have been held for too long, delaying shipping for whatever reason (consolidation, or whatever). Those last two orders were a bit aggravating, and at the end of the day, I lost almost all of the profits that I’ve made over the last eight years on your account. It seems pointless to continue a business relationship based on previous history and the complications. Again, nothing personal, just business.

At this point, I don’t want to give anyone the run around and I am trying to minimize my headaches and give the best customer support based on mutual support (active customers who purchase regularly), considering the fat that I work alone and can only handle so much workload.

Thanks and be well,

Max Marinucci president/owner

Sorry guys; it took a short while to sort things out, and I also wanted to get some distance before following up here.