Retailers' e-mails that caused me to guffaw

The Echezeaux of West Fargo.

Same reason Macy’s does: We tend to refer to sellers in the possessive. I suspect it’s because, when the company name is a surname, we think of it once having been a person’s establishment.

It has become force of habit, so we add an S in speech even when the legal name is not in possessive form. Have you ever heard someone not add an S to Nordstrom or JC Penney?

We need citations here, folks!

“Poughkeepsie is the Paris of upstate New York,” was a metaphor used by John Searle, a philosophy professor of mine in my undergrad days.

But I digress…

”For my money, this estate is the DRC of Moscato d’Asti.” Apologies to Ian d’Agata.

I need a smoke and a cold shower after that one.

Bankruptcy lawyers.

Not a retailer, but Herman Story release notes from Russ From are fantastic.

I’ll have what he’s having!

  1. OK the “me” singular confused me. Carry on.

  2. I suppose that’s true. But salesmen will be salesmen!

I’m confused. Who wouldn’t be happy and excited to have Coche to sell at extraordinary markups?

i would argue that even for 15 euro it is a poor aligote; thin, acidic, too much wood. no matter what the salesmen might say, this is not overachieving like d’auvenay.

Every time an email says “[famous winery]’s neighbor”

I know Penney bankruptcy lawyers that refer to the company as Penney’s

I don’t! This seems like a British habit more than anything…hell I’ve seen Brits at work refer to “goldman’s”.

“Drink now - 2055”

“The NDA to end all NDAs!”
“$200+ at the winery, $20 for you today”

And +1 to Jim’s comment…”offers immediate pleasure, but will evolve for decades.”

Yes, that is common there. I know the law firm Slaughter and May is often referred to as Slaughters, too. One assumes that Barclays and Sainsburys began as surnames without the S.

But the British S suffix doesn’t usually have the apostrophe. Is it plural, since in British English, corporations take plural verbs?

But we digress again…

Just got this one this morning on a 2019 Auslese GK.

“Wait, if you can, for this to really open up in 2023 or 2024”

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