Rhys Fall 2012 Offering

This being a Rhys thread I should clarify the above remark in that we didn’t open any Rhys PN last year, just the chard and some Alesia PN.

I have a cache of Rhys wines by now. We celebrated las Sunday by opening a 2008 alpine pinot, which was Exceptional.

Is there a drink from/to resource that would help me with my remaining Saturday Sunday celebraciones During the summer OS 2012.

Drink from Saturday at 11am to Sunday at 10pm. neener

Anyone here tasted the 2009 Horseshoe Chardonnay? Any notes?

I’m gonna dream of Horseshoe tonight…

Giddy up. I’ll be dreaming of Horseshoes tonight as well

Its gonna feel like I slept on rocks all night

where’s it at?

Can’t stand the suspense. Kevin, how much do I owe you?

Sorry guys. Our current ETA is looking like 10:30-11:00am PT.

great I can go get lunch and not worry about missing it!

i’m just going to sit here and stare at my gmail inbox, twitching. my boss will surely appreciate it.

Is there an app to convert this to EST? [scratch.gif]

Yes. +3 [snort.gif]


Things are going better than expected so new ETA is 10:10 PT.

[drinkers.gif] take my moneys!

Not sure why there is angst about this- these are guaranteed allocations unless I missed something.

Love the wines and just placed my order. No angst…just pure excitement. Thanks in advance Kevin granting my wishlist :slight_smile:

Has to be the best ordering system. Done in about a minute.

only allocated the pinots, wishlisted everything else +3 more btls of the horeshoe PN