Robert A. Alfert, Jr., was right

Space is nature’s way of keeping everything from happening in the same place.

I want your life!

One that is so perfectly tuned and minutely set that something as slight as this thread could render me distressed.


I hope this thread is the worst thing that happens to you all day! [cheers.gif]

Greatest. Thread. Ever.

Well, you’re worth the effort!

I’m almost inspired enough to pop a 2016 again just so I can heap doctrinaire criticism on Bouard, apropos or not.

Hey Robert, now that you have reached vaulted status, can we still hang out?

Seriously, this is a hilarious thread!

Charlie, you are the true country squire. My favorite redneck friend. I’m just a Poser. I mean really, who else on this Board but you owns a dirt farm!?! And walks around in Gucci hightops :wink:

Truth sayer.

But will you Pobega it?

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Counselor’s canonization of my golden tongue for the AFWE palate of thin and weedy, prompted me to pop yet another 2014, to satiate the needs of the unwashed masses. Enjoyed over two nights. It really is excellent. And Total Wine seems to have a rather endless supply. I clear them out, circle back weeks later, and voila, there is more.

I have another coupon, so may have to swing by.


I tried on the other night and at cold cellar temp, it seemed to have a strange acidic taste that was unpleasant. Once it warmed up in the glass, it started singing. I hope my TW stocks back up again after clearing them out. Thank you guys!

I got the last single bottle of 14 last week at TW. Here’s hoping for a good coupon for the 4th and a restock

I added to what I had a few weeks ago, and also picked up a couple 16’s to do a side by side Alfert in 10 years.

Let’s do it!

Has anyone ever done a deep vertical of this classic Chateau?

An Ivy League swag sporting a Roll Tide bag



Haha, freakin love it!

A capitalist loving liberal

A hazard county driving Range Rover owner

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A dad bod on an elite Italian bike