Sec Wines in Portland

By activating a 7 year old thread, this will actually be good for Eric as all he is getting in support and a fresh reminder to people that he is out there.

One thing about WB that I dig is that people police this place, whether that be Commerce Corner, Wine Talk, etc. We’re free to say what we want here but there are plenty of smart people and plenty of experiences that make anything one-sided hard to pull off.

I’ve had generally good experiences with Eric; obviously there was the debacle with Southern Glazer and the 2008 Dom earlier this year but that wasn’t his fault, and I have bought wine from him since then.

Another thumbs up for Sec and Eric. I’ve done biz with Eric going back 5 years, and quite a lot in the last year or so. Steady, reliable, high quality.

Agreed, and happy to see it. Eric is a really good guy, in addition to working his behind off to offer good wines at great prices.

Sec, Avalon, and Vinopolis have all been great supporters, and they are the shops I buy from as well.

I certainly read much more than I post here - but when I saw this thread resurrected for the reason it was I have to weigh to share my experiences with Eric.

I’ve bought from Eric many many times over the years - incredibly nice, helpful, friendly and professional guy. Even with Eric I’ve had a time a credit card got locked/cancelled due to fraud - just called him and gave him a new card - no biggy.

I find he has great Italian selections and very competitive prices. I continue to buy from him.

I’ve bought a lot from him over the last 5-6 years, and nothing but positive experiences.

not sure about the hate on the thread. the OP is 9 years old and was just asking for thoughts on the shop. someone had a bad transaction so they posted it. seems like something I would want to know if I was thinking about buying from a shop ive never heard of.

also would want to see all the good feedback that followed it.

for the record, my transactions with Sec have all been just fine.

I’m conflicted that this would be a post to pull me out of the woodwork given the great content and camaraderie of this board to tempt me otherwise, and for my relationship with the shop. I will be sure to add my thoughts to other threads moving forward. I sell wine to Sec, and buy wine from Sec. Eric is a great curator of wines, and my exchanges have always felt professional. Trust in others experiences is important as we navigate our way through resources, and given the power of online anonymity, real name or not, it can feel uncertain. Constructive criticism is one thing, this post feels down right slanderous. Also, Jim B. on yelp posts the exact same response for Sec as Creig. Nice touch.

So which is it Greig? Or is it Jim?

I hate this kind of dishonesty.

Tell us your name, as this is a real names forum…it’s a requirement here to participate. If you can’t then Todd oughta kick you off the forum.

Dealt with Eric several times… nothing but responsive and helpful.

Greig / Jim B… odd…
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Nothing but positive experiences with Sec personally and also the recent negative poster can suck it.

Chris, welcome to the forum! So glad to have another person ITB (I’m not anymore) to add to the forum. One of my friends in our local tasting group is working for a distributor. I hope you are doing ok, it’s tough when times like this shift people away or down in price. I know after 2008 we saw the average price/bottle shift from $23 down to $16 in the small shop I used to work in. Of course Bangor, Maine is not really a hot-bed of wine activity.

Hopefully, people are finding out that there are Great wines like Twill, which Chris makes, at price points that are very reasonable even when times are tough. His wines, like Vincent’s, are great quality and underpriced!

Welcome, Chris. I’ve really liked the wines I’ve tried from Twill. We need to come back and taste again once you’re open.

Eric @ Sec is great. My card number has changed 2-3 times over the years causing some charge declines when shipping weather arrived and Eric was chill about it.

I have only good things to say about Eric:

  • In relation to a couple credit card issues on my side (i.e. not his fault) over the years, he handled them with patience.
  • When there was a honest mistake with an order of mine once, he went out of his way to more than make up for it.
  • Though a smaller shop, he’s had a few old world wines I couldn’t find elsewhere in the Pacific Northwest.
  • His prices are always very competitive.
  • Though my ordering has decreased (due to more than sufficient inventory on my part and a desire to buy locally and/or directly from select, small PNW producers), he has remained just as friendly and service-oriented.

I started buying from Sec when Alberty shut down Storyteller on his recommendation, I think that was before Vinopolis moved to their new location near my place of business. Very pleased and Eric always takes my shippers, he says he uses them. A lot of BD wines this year along with local deliveries. I usually buy my Cameron and Goodfellow from him to keep the shipper connection alive. Got a call one day from Eric saying Marcus thought I might be interested in the latest Pinot, so yes I bought a few. It’s an easy pick up only about 20 blocks away. [cheers.gif]

Hi Kirk, thank you! I’m sorry it took me this long to respond, spring is always a bit crazy. We are doing fine at the moment, though it’s anyone’s guess on what’s to come. I know that quite a few of us are heading into the growing season without too many adjustments, though as always, prudence will be important.

Thank you, Marshall. Please feel free to send me a note if you are ever wanting to come by and taste. We are likely going to keep our tasting room to reservations once we reopen, and I am more than happy to schedule appointments throughout the week as well. Hope to meet you sometime this summer.

I’ve not bought from Sec, but I just got a rec for buying Italian from there, and I definitely will. Selection and prices look excellent.

Question: Does geek alert mean the wines are particularly recommended?