Select: Kelley Fox Wines * *BD11 Offering**

For all of you bemoaning the limited Mirabai, fwiw I think the Momtazi and Coury are the better value plays here. The Mirabai is the basic catch-all bottling and is very nice but…

In for the Momtazi!

Yep - Coury,Coury [berserker.gif]

Went back in for the Hyland offer

Like others have mentioned on this thread, I would have liked to have tried the Hyland/Coury, but a six-bottle buy-in is not for me. Maybe some will be available for an offer through their normal channels.

agree… like KF wines, but 6 btl minimum on a single bottling is a bit much… mix/match or 3 btl packs would’ve been great…
Still like the wines, but just feedback for a BD offer.

**For anyone who ordered the 2015 Momtazi 6 Pack, I will refund $25. Sorry for the mistake. It will take me a bit to get to all the orders, so please be patient.

The Library vertical was a VERY limited availability. I’ll see what I can do about next year’s offer.


In for a 6 pack of the Hyland/Coury. Looking forward to trying these!

I’m another that tried to order as soon as the post went up, but missed the library wines.
The Hyland vineyard, Coury clone, and Kelly Fox all have tremendous reputations, so I went for that.
I’d be happy to trade out a couple for other Kelly Fox wines, or equivalent.

Go Seahawks!! (AFC West rivalries never die…)

What he said.

Missed the library offering, but happy to grab a 6 pack of the Hyland.

Sitting this one out as I just ordered a mixed case of the '17 Hyland and '15 Maresh last week. They came with excellent discounts on top of being a club member!

Yeah I have all these wines but WTH in for 6 more of the Hyland. Thanks Dustin and Kelley! The Hyland is an excellent wine IMHO.

Found a partner in crime to share a few of the bottles so got my order in for 6 Hyland and 6 Momtazi! Looking forward to it.

Thank you for the great response to our offerings on our very first Berserker Day!
I now fully understand why it is called the “The Black Friday of Wine”

You and Kelley are slaying it today.

Glad you said that Scott, since that’s what I got!

Maybe I can convince you to share one of these days :slight_smile:
I can’t shell out for a whole six-pack at these per bottle prices, even if they’re good deals.

Hey Sheila! I am sure you will love these! Hope all is well.