SF Bay Area Tasting / Study Group

Again, very tentatively, I may be in the SF area from October 28-30 and possibly again for the night of November 12 as part of my rotational California trip. I’ll have other WBers and friends to organize dinners with, but would love to meet and share a glass with some of you.


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would love to get together more often than once a year for berserkerfest, so let me know if things start to come together as Im in


Looks like we have critical mass. Why don’t we just plan something!

Seems we have two groups of people here… (1) people who want to blind taste / study, and (2) people who want to do Berserker-style dinners. This thread was originally formed for the former, but I’m not opposed to the latter.

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The latter is always a good time!

+1 to the latter.

Hi All,
Kicking into this thread again as I am starting Diploma this year. Thoughts on creating a regular group?

Erin. Not in the business but would happily contribute time, effort, and bottles to a tasting group. I’ve got myself and one other non-biz person definitely interested.

Message me if that seems useful to you.

Awesome, thanks!! Will DM!

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Erin - I’m still interested. I know our last effort at this sort of fell apart…

Are people still interested in doing a San Francisco based group?

My main interest is German riesling, but I also like Loire, Piemonte (Langhe and Alto Piemonte), champagne, and Jura wines. I’m also trying to get into Northern Rhone as I slowly detach from Red Burgundy with the price increases.

I would be interested in doing something casual and not trophy focused. There’s a casual Lebanese restaurant in the Mission that has solid food and does not charge corkage.

Let me know if you’re interested.

Interested in any Bay Area meetups! I’m based in Berkeley and looking to meet other wine friends/ taste regularly.


Also based in East Bay! I passed my WSET 2 and am looking for a tasting group to up my game. My husband and I also frequently host themed wine tastings and blind tastings with friends and would love to meet more wine enthusiasts! Let me know if there’s interest in doing a meet up soon. We are happy to host as well (if people want to come to Lafayette!)

It looks like the recent people who’ve expressed interest in a regular tasting group are

Would love to take initiative to organize something for the next few weeks. Can you all above let me know if you’re still interested and anyone else, let me know who I can add.

Look forward to sharing a glass in the near future!
In vino veritas!


Interested! Been super busy with work so haven’t made any progress with my tasting group thread but count me in for this.


I’m interested as well

I am interested if in SF, Peninsula, or South Bay

I am interested, too.

How does either June 17 afternoon (Sat) work for the group? My husband and I can host a tasting at our place in the east bay or if people have suggestions on place without corkage, happy to make reservations.

Please give thumbs up if the date work.



Works for me


Weekends are tough for me. I am usually out of town and don’t know if i will be around until a few days beforehand at best.