Not sure if my order went through. Nothing seems to actually happen when I hit submit. If it did go then there may be 2 orders as I tried twice.

Brian - I did not receive an order. I will DM you via the forum.

Thanks Bob - hope you enjoy the Yates cab!

Thanks Mike - glad you got in on the library pack. That one sold out quickly. [cheers.gif]

order in

Love the cabs as they represent some of the best QPR. Decided to try the Sauv Blanc this year as it sounds delicious and will be in my wheelhouse. I highly recommend these wines.

Got it - thanks Kohler. I’ll be sending you a confirm email shortly.

Thanks so much for the kind words - hope you enjoy the SB!

We are down to our last few available Berserker Day packs on both the Yates Cab and the Sauv Blanc.

I’m in for the SB. Thanks Karen!

Thanks Jeff - glad we could make that happen! [cheers.gif]

in with 3 of the SB (if my order went through, lots of website errors)… sort of nervous to leave the Loire, but let’s give it a shot!

Sorry went offline earlier than some (on the east coast now). Got the order Justin - thanks very much. Will email you with info today.

Our offer is now closed - thank you to everyone that purchased! #YouRock!!! We’ll be posting the Super Bowl game board soon so check back for the completed grid.

Special thanks to Todd and the team for another outstanding Berserker Day.

Karen and John

Hi Karen

Has the updated Super Bowl game board been published somewhere?

Yes Andrew - please see the first post.


Awesome. 49ers 28-9

how did Savino get such good numbers … [stirthepothal.gif]

:tada: :crossed_fingers:t3:

Every number is a good number today unless you are clairvoyant. [highfive.gif]