So...Which BerserkerDay VI deal are you most anticipating?

Green means go, it’s on!

Get thee to the Wine Library offer…

Yes. Do it. If you haven’t had some by the next time we see you we’ll bring a bottle!
Too bad there’s no icewine!

Though they are a distinct minority, there assuredly are (or will be - I forget that not everyone donates to the board and gets the BD preview) old-world wines on offer. It’d be better for my budget and overtaxed storage if they were fewer and less compelling! [cheers.gif]

I’m also sorely tempted by an offering which is for neither wine nor food, nor, apparently, rolled out quite yet.

Not true, Paul - there are quite a lot of offers on non-domestic wines this BerserkerDay. Don’t be such a grump!

Going with Ladd per all of your recs. Thanks!

If Dujac was there, I missed it somehow. Would have loved to participate.