TN: 2004 Krug

Even 02? It seems far more $.

Any man who lunches with Krug is more than welcome to set p-values for it :slight_smile:. I’m inclined to think it a dormant phase, too…

Up a bit but not massively and not when you take into account storage costs and broking fees if you wanted to sell it. I’m not looking to sell but it makes me think again about the need to chase these on release.

I hope so. The 02 was phenomenal in 2018, but maybe the 04 is just going to take more time.

I think I paid 250 on release and it’s well over 300 now except at auction.

Really like the 04 Krug, tasted most recently 8/19. Opened two bottles, both excellent. Maybe there are some bad bottles out there?

I think it’s more likely what Greg said and it’s an ixie with acidity versus fruit preferences at the wine’s current state. We’ll see how it is in a couple years.