Vice Versa Spring Offering 23

Hi everyone,

Thank you for your extraordinary support. We are blessed and grateful.

We know that our 2021 price increases are not trivial. Unfortunately, we incurred significant cost increases across the board: grape prices, production, labor, and packaging, just to name a few. But we feel that our wines are well priced for their quality and rarity.

Please note that we do not make any profit on shipping costs. We simply transfer the shipping costs to our clients. These costs vary based on volume, weight, and destination. Unfortunately, shipping costs increased drastically since Covid.

For Florida orders, we are no longer offering Ground shipping for safety reasons. With such small quantities produced and high demand, it is practically impossible for us to replace some bottles in case of damage. However, we have a very good option with IShip Cold Truck, which is safe and still reasonably priced.

We are aware that shipping 1 or 2 bottles isnā€™t economical. Therefore, in order to transfer as many savings as possible to our customers, unless requested otherwise, we will combine all orders placed by each client throughout the year and reimburse the difference.

We noticed that some wineries are now including the price of shipping in the bottle price. This sounds attractive, however, we need to keep in mind that most states do not apply tax on shipping costs. We feel that keeping the shipping cost separate from the wine cost results in extra savings for our customers.

Hope this clarifies a few things. Please donā€™t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or questions.

All the best


Thanks for mentioning that!

Makes more sense now that I read the initial response properly the second time. :rofl:

Vice Versa summer offering is out.

Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Steltzner, and Beckstoffer G3.

The 2021 Cabernets in this release are both $300/bottle now (like the other labels). The 2019ā€™s were $225. :disappointed_relieved:. I love VV but Iā€™m gonna have to be selective moving forward. G3 was wish list only for some reason.

Hopefully their Spinning Plates Cabernet doesnā€™t jump too much in price this fall. ($150 for the 19ā€™s)


$150 for Chardonnay!! is pricing me out. Agree, really hope Spinning Plates is under $200??

I wish listed a steltzner and a chard to add to my order earlier in the year and combine shipping. I chose Steltzner over G3 but am still undecided. 150 for the chard sounds high but Im looking forward to trying it

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I confirmed with Samantha that the 21 spinning plates is 150 per bottle sold in 3 packs.


The 19 G3 is stunning.


Yeah Iā€™m right there with youā€¦ Definitely would have loved to jump on these but another $300/btl release after the release earlier this year felt like a kick in the teethā€¦ Made the decision easier

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LOL maybe i was late to the game but all I had available to purchase was one pinot! i love those but even there they hiked them to $150/btl. Afraid Iā€™m going to have to make do with the VV I already have.


I had a 2019 G3 with a Morgan ranch KC Strip last night. Wombo Combo. :exploding_head: Killer juice!
It confirmed getting a couple more bottles despite the price increase.

A quick email to Samantha and she took care of me. Even recalculated shipping for the combined 6 bottles total (from spring release)

Also, as Zachery already mentioned above, happy to hear no price increase on the Spinning plates Cabernet release this fall. $450 3/pack


Perfect combo for sure! Glad to hear you enjoyed it!

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First time ever: got my wish allocations!
:partying_face: :checkered_flag:

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I have a feeling at $300/per there will be many getting wish list requests this go roundā€¦Earlier in the Spring they were granting full wishlists as well


Their release just went live. Curious to hear if anyoneā€™s tasted their 2022s in any iteration given the up/down nature of the vintage and that the majority of their sites are valley floor which would have been hit with more heat during the waves. I have faith that theyā€™re not going to put out a product theyā€™re not happy with but curious how people think this vintage will stack up/how much people should buyā€¦

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Nice allocations, wondering how much to get as well. Interested in LPV, To Kalon and Dr Crane limited in budget to 3 bottles max so waiting on others opinions

Allocation is live but i have N/A for everything. However, i bought 2 bottles a few weeks ago. Love VV but will go lighter on 22 vintage. Im sure its exceptional though.

I was planning on going light on VV this year but after seeing the insane pricing from the folks at Dalla Valle this makes it even easier to appreciate VV holding the line on their pricing this year.

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I trust them. Buying with confidence. Just buying less of the 2022 vintage across the board. In for Dr. Crane and To Kalon. Prices remained the same at $300/bottle.

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I got 1 each to kalon Dr Crane and LPV