Vinous subscription abruptly terminated.



Can’t access the site.
Password no longer works.
Cannot contact them.

Suddenly two hours after I sent e mails, they magically appear on their site. What were those e mails doing in those two hours. Having a cup of tea?

Mark, emails can get bounced for a variety of reasons beyond the control of the sender and the recipient. You would not believe the various ISP, email and other issues we troubleshoot for users on a daily basis. I imagine that Vinous has to deal with the same.


I feel like this thread is going to turn into IT support troubleshooting very soon…

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You should ask Vinous for $10 for the inconvenience.


LoL this thread and that one reminds me how happy I am that I don’t have to deal with the general public anymore! But I will keep my tin foil hat ready if it turns out to be a conspiracy :slight_smile:

Curious to know if Mark and the Vinous team are in the same time zone. That might also help explain the timestamp discrepancy

why would you feel the need to even post this.

Since I did not see the actual emails that were sent and I did not see the receiving mail system’s logs I am not saying this is what happened but…
Typically when a sender receives a bounce back stating that email address is not recognized, the receiving messaging system flags it as potential spam. Spam rules are very sensitive and constantly needs tweaking.

I onced emailed a wine shop that I dealt with previously and had no issues sending emails then one day I got the exact same bounce back.

They were swirling around in cyberspace concocting a ridiculous argument on a wine board.

Suggesting that Vinous might have terminated the access you paid for without notification is ridiculous. Do you really think your opinion on this non-Vinous forum is so influential the Vinous team can’t handle it?

Why wasn’t waiting a few hours or days for a response an option? This does not warrant a thread on a public forum with a misleading title based on zero evidence. I appreciate most of your contributions here, Mark, but this gets you the “Karen of the day” award [cheers.gif]


this is like the event horizon of a Karen falling into an Okay, Boomer black hole. i feel lucky to have witnessed it.


Did Mark use Mega Purple?


If my e mail did not gone through, what is the point of waiting for a response? Rather than calling me names, please explain given the blocked password and blocked e mail.

[snort.gif] LOL,
and THEY blocked you on the day of the 2020 BDX report…
Vinous know how to twist the blade.

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Is this what happens to Mark when the BDX EP isn’t exciting??! [stirthepothal.gif] newhere

Since he got his BDX report a day late do they owe him $1000?

Mark, at least a couple of people who know something about IT have posted here. You should listen to them and let this die. An apology to Vinous would be appropriate too, but I don’t expect it. I do look forward to more of your posts about wine, though.

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I think an easy solve would be to screenshot your original email.