Vinous subscription abruptly terminated.


Echoing Eric’s above comment… there are a great many reasons why emails don’t make it through in a timely manner. The emails we received were at 3.38pm ET and 3.39pm ET, as noted previously (with screenshot).

I would have been very glad to for the emails to have been received between 1pm ET and 1.25pm ET when originally sent and for the issue to be resolved within an hour before this thread was created at 1.58pm ET. There is a genuine commitment to customer service.

There is absolutely no reason for you not to enjoy the subscription to its fullest (I’ll gladly add today onto the end of your subscription so no time is lost). Your subscription runs into March 2022 and we would be thrilled if the content you read between now and then persuades you to continue to subscribe for another year. Today, as was noted above, we published Neal’s article on Bordeaux 2020. It is a 70,000 word epic. We want you to read and enjoy it.

Feel free to send us the Delivery Status Notification (Failure) emails too, so we can try to understand the issue there and see if it was anything our side. Your emails are not in any way blocked by us.

I am unclear from your message whether the new password you set earlier is no longer working. Your account has full access to the site. Feel free to email or indeed my direct email ( and we can troubleshoot. Please note though that we are largely an East Coast based so after hours the resolution time may be a little more than an hour at this time.



Way back when we were able to travel I used to watch people get outraged at airport staff for all sorts of ridiculous reasons. This thread reminds me of those days.

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On behalf of my terrific sister-in-law Karen, I object to you characterizing Mark’s apparent over-reaction as worthy of a “karen of the day” award. [snort.gif]


Just to make the point clear, bounced emails are almost always a sign of a technical issue. Not that someone is trying to cut you out of their life. Emails to someone like that simply don’t get answered because they fall into a digital pit or are simply ignored on the other end. Bounced means something went wrong with the email process.

This sort of thread is reminiscent of people posting about a discrepancy with a retailer over some bottle(s) of wines within a day of the disagreement. Give things time to work themselves out before using the megaphone of separate public forums to complain about what may or may not be a real grievance.’s_razor

Damn, Mark’s really getting dragged here…

Welcome to the internet. You’re gonna like it here!!

It’s the nerds versus the cool kids! I side with MarkG!

Sheesh…would hate to piss you off.

So is this thread a HUNDRED yet? [cheers.gif]


did you reboot?

And if he did, can he still call it terroir?

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Can someone tell me who I’m supposed to be outraged by? I’m confused.

Eh doesn’t really matter, flip a coin.

I think we’re mad at the server, or possibly gmail.

Wait, I want to know who’s a nerd and who’s a cool kid. If you’re going to name the buckets, you need to put the signs on the buckets.
Of course I could assume you would want to be one of the cool kids, but you never know.

Sigh, Jim…

If you have to ask, it’s axiomatic which bucket one is in.


How is anything going to work themselves out if Mark cannot communicate with Vinous about it?
It appears posting this thread solved the problem.
I still haven’t seen an explanation re: why Mark’s password no longer worked. I understand we could assume it was a technical glitch, but that explanation has not actually been offered.
I highly doubt Vinous unilaterally terminated Mark’s subscription, but the above points are fair to make on Mark’s side of things, imo.

By giving things more time than what appeared to be less than a day before running to a public forum and claiming he got locked out for talking poorly about them?