when drunk how to sober up ?

Alternatively, once you’re drunk, why stop to sober up?

You are right when it comes to chronic use. Alcoholics are more susceptible to Acetaminophen toxicity which kills your liver. If you are not an alcoholic, occasional Tylenol use isn’t
a problem. I think aspirin or ibuprofen works better for the headache anyway. Hydration and sugar intake are the primary remedies. It isn’t possible to sober up any faster then your body metabolizes the alcohol.

I usually look at my wine expenditures on my credit card bill. Works every time.

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Getting to bed and going to sleep helps a lot also.

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Lol. Well played.

Two things that I can think of to increase sobriety/lower BAC:

  1. Time
  2. Add more blood to your body
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I guess the mods removed OP’s access? I was so looking forward to sharing my SSN and credit card for the solution.

Follow the Russian example and spend some time in the shvitz:

A few comments 1) to avoid getting drunk in the first place you need to drink like a pharmacologist- to add to Erics comment- you can only metabolize 10-25 gms/ hr of alcohol so once you achieve any recognizable intoxication if you drink more than that you will get drunker 2) only time after you stop absorbing alcohol will render you sober 3) hydration and analgesics may make you feel better the next day but wont make you less drunk 4) stimulants will improve attention but not motor control or response time. 5) plan your consumption around transportation so you dont live with regrets

Classic Berserkers thread: OP asks about how to sober up. The first 45 responses explain to the OP how to help avoid a hangover. Classic. Utterly classic.
It exemplifies both what is so amazing (in a good way) and so amazing (in a bad way) about this place.

Whoops, I was drinking…