when drunk how to sober up ?

It looks like the first post was deleted after quite a few replies, but to me it seemed more like a cry for help instead of hangover cures…

Cancel Culture at work again [snort.gif]

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I’m hoping it was a troll, otherwise that is quite sad

Are we talking actually sobering up or just feeling better. To truly sober up, only time works. Alcohol degradation is a zero order reaction meaning levels are linear with time.

Or live in one

See post #9 to see the OP.

Karen got caught in failing to follow the real names only requirement.


I use Tincture of Time. It can take several hours to work, but does the best job.

Also, hydrate hydrate hydrate.

I try to tell my kids: It’s not that last tequila that did you in, it was the fifth to last that started the cascade of failure.

I track my BAC on one of those pocket meters, it’s fun. I feel in the bag around 0.04% and start to barf at 0.07%…technically, I can be throwing up drunk and still drive!
That was a joke, I know not to drive, and it’s your state, not necessarily an arbitrary BAC. Also, yes, the BAC meter I have is accurate. And, PSA…please, people, don’t get a BAC device that talks to your smart phone.

I thought Garyc328i was coming back.
(Not sure if I have his correct handle but his last post was 99 bottles of wine on the wall.)

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Partial quote

Come on, tell me!

So tell me what you want, what you really, really want.

I think it is a good idea to stop drinking before getting drunk.

I think the key is to properly hydrate. I put ice cubes in my wine so I’m getting the desired alcohol but remaining properly hydrated at the same time.

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I find crushed ice works best in this scenario. It melts more quickly and enhances the hydration properties of the wine.



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