Why is this forum mostly dead?

You are obviously new to WBs.

Most people don’t have food recipes to post but they do have opinions [snort.gif]

I thought T. Williams was referring to a thread. Be a nightmare to have Charlie drafting and Jay proofing.

Though I don’t post in this sub-forum much, I have learned a great deal from it. Whichever way it goes, I’ll make a point to browse on a regular basis for the information.

Not sure that it’s THAT simplistic, as I like to cook at home, but also like to go out… largely when I’m travelling. I don’t really have an issue with the split forums, but I stick to “Steak Porn,” “What Did You Cook Tonight?” and then a random update to Smoker threads.

My bigger irritation is with the travel threads that lump a bunch of cities together, based on somebody’s vacation. I just did a Naples → Capri → Procida → Rome → Florence → Milan trip and even Rome was a pain in the ass to search through. I took the time to filter through all of the random crap I didn’t care about and came up with a fantastic game plan (which is why I love this board), but good god it was a pain in the ass.

No wonder, that’s too many cities to visit classic WB response

What’s wrong with the search function? Unless of course you were expecting to use it to search for things at a given point in time instead of maybe 14 seconds in the future, then it has some issues.