Wine Library Berserker Day offers

The Elf as Pete calls him just told me about one more offer he wanted to post before the end of the day.

This is something new that Gary created for 2015, and we are offering it for half price till midnight tonight.
Use code WBLP to take advantage of the offer at 50% off.

P.S. It will work on Giacosa when we get some in stock, but it won’t work on Yellow Tail or Bogle :wink:

You just made my day. $25 for a year pass of ground shipping? That’s ridiculous.


I just signed up for this. Will you send some type of code to use when ordering wine? Or does it waive shipping automatically when I log-in to my account?

Good deal,




Phuff, Pat, Chris your account will be flagged 90% or so of the wines are eligible, we think this new concept for WL will be a game changer :slight_smile: Miss u guys especially you P champagne.gif aul J, adore u man!

In…me loves that elf even though he gets too much camera time. Thanks Ian, Brandon and yes…Gary.

Thnx Nick :wink: sick deal right?

It’s automatic when you are logged in, but you have to be logged in. Any item eligible (which is over 90% of the items we stock) will have the Library Pass logo on it.

This is only for ground shipping too, and it does not prorate express shipments. Just a heads up


Tell GV I said thanks.

Joe, bad news, we can ship to Minnesota now!

In fact, we added all of these states today!


A bit of a game changer for me Gary. Thanks! Now Wine Library will be in play for every purchase.

Thats the plan… and we are upping our selection and pricing in 2015, its gonna be a fun year


I thought Berserkers get free shipping already? [scratch.gif]

This is a purchase that encourages me to buy more wine - send wine to friends - etc.

How will the pass work for locals that mostly pick up?

Only three Saint Joseph, two Gigondas and eight Bandol wines (mostly Tempier) in inventory. And only two Chinon wines in inventory too? Is Ian slacking?

no we are doing inventory tomorrow so all of its been run down !

It wont Cj, we have something that should be ready for April that will have a huge impact on locals

on the orders they make from the new email we have for you guys but only on those offers, this is a Amazon Prime like pass that gives you free shipping on everything not just that weekly email item