Worst QPR ever

Not really defending Arnoux, but their 2014 RSV is $595 (WS Pro USA price, probably a tad lower on release) - that’s hardly 2014 DRC RSV level pricing…

Quilceda Creek

I would describe every taste I’ve had of Opus One as “gross.”

Naked Winery Oh Orgasmic Syrah - Wine was good but $90???

Cheaper than Gonon or haven’t you heard?

Meoimi. Belle Glos. The Prisoner.

Wine doesn’t have to be expensive to be a bad value. No value at all when you pay any money whatsoever makes for a bad value IMO.

All those other wines mentioned from Napa? People get some value out of those, and in some cases quite a bit of value. If nothing else, they can groan about how their credit cards are going to be screaming because of all the mailing lists they’re on. If a part of the value comes from the “look at me” factor, then there’s some value. With the Meiomi and BG, there’s only value if someone is an emetophiliac.

GregT is right that any undrinkable wine has a QPR of zero.

The first category that sprang to mind for me was the prestige versions of CNdP. An honest CdR is more enjoyable.

Especially if they let me chopper in to pick it up.

I’d argue some wines have negative quality, which would give them a negative qpr. Think some lingering horrific quality that hinders or ruins your enjoyment of wine and food (and general consciousness) for the rest of the evening. DNPIM wines.

The older QC is actually quite lovely.

My pristine bottle of 1787 “Th. J. Lafitte.” A mere $150,000, give or take.

What do I win?


Sine Qua Non has to be at the top of my list but Cardinale is a relatively close second.

Also on any list should be Pavie, Le Plus de La Fleur de Bouard, and any of a number of California Chardonnay.

I will give somewhat of a pass to an overpriced wine that at least tastes good (even though I might not buy the wine), but to pay a fortune for bad or mediocre wine is hard to understand.

15 was being offered around between $1200 and $1500 early on. Just insane.

Out of morbid curiosity, what was 2015 DRC RSV? The lowest USA WS Pro price right now is $2700 (the other lower priced one is linked to a page that is not available) for the 2015 DRC RSV.

Most box wine . . . also Screagle. I have had a couple (Screagle) and was surprised how very unimpressive it was.

SRP was $2000


I guess for me a bad QPR would be where you’d be able to purchase equally good/even better wines from the same appellation/vineyard at a fraction of the price. As such, I think Maison Leroy and G-Max (at current market prices) would take the biscuit.

Well, yes, and the above of course…

I really like their wine but would totally agree. The fact that you can get it for ~65% of the winery direct price any day of the week implies that it’s absolutely mispriced at release. It’s like buying a new car: it loses almost half its value as soon as you drive it off the lot. That said, I think WA wine is expensive in general, and Reynvaan at secondary market prices makes it one of the better QPRs in the state for Syrah (not the best, I think that award goes to either the Two Vintners Syrah or Some Days Are ___ releases).