Bring a Special Bottle part deux: NYC Holiday Gala: Dec 2nd, Wu's Wonton King- ONE SPOT OPEN !: Check out the line up

Please put me on the wait list as this date now looks good. If Jonathan is going to bring a 2000 Voerzio, how about if I bring the 2000 Aldo Conterno Granbussia if I make it to the adult table. :slight_smile:

Mike Reff is unable to make it. Michael you are in. Please confirm you are still interested, and if so declare your wine at the earliest convenience. Our line up is looking glorious. Canā€™t wait

Iā€™m now available. In case of dropouts, Iā€™d love to come and bring an Albert Boxler Pinot Gris Grand Cru Sommerberg 2007 (and yes: it ainā€™t as fancy as the esteemed lineup above, but IMHO is specialā€¦)

2005 Joseph Phelps Insignia

Thank you! Iā€™m in. Suggestions being sent to Jonathan via PM.

Guess that saves one brown bag.

Excellent ! We saved a small treeā€™s lifeā€¦

Have to say Ian, for someone who is not involved with this event, the need to comment amazes me.

I could have used aluminum foil but that might upset the proponents of climate change

I guess some peoples lives are mundane enough they live vicariously through others !

Is this not a public thread? Was it not posted on the World Wide Web for everyone to see? Whatā€™s so bad about one cheeky comment? Iā€™m truly sorry you have no sense of humour and that post put your knickers in a twist.

[pillow-fight.gif] grouphug

FWIW, I thought both were fun comments. I thought, now Mikeā€™s leaving us hanging, not knowing what was going to be in the brown bag and who would have nailed the guess. (Kind of like not knowing whatā€™s behind door number 2 in letā€™s make a deal). It nice seeing some more ppl on board. Who knows may more ppl will want to visit nyc for these special offlines. :slight_smile:

Bringing '86 Chateau Lā€™Angelus.

Great Pick Tom, one of my favorites

Youā€™ve had the '86?

Probably should have clarified Tom, I like the producer. Have not had one quite this old though.

Cheeky comment? Maybe it would be better if you actually knew how to spell humor instead of humour. Unless you are across the pond, and your sense of humor differs that much from mine. One usually does not post when one is not involved with the threadā€¦Maybe it is a new generation of people and I continue to [soap.gif]

Funny you say that now Mike, since youā€™re not actually involved in this offline anymore since removing yourself from the event. It must be difficult for you to get through day to day life if youā€™re utterly gutted over silly things like my post.

What I find difficult is dealing with newbs like you, who based on your prior posts just feel the need to pile on.

I was involved with the offline, suggested what I was going to do, but yet you felt the need to comment or as you have said, ā€˜No dog in the huntā€™ So I guess someone with your limited intelligence will just continue to pile on. So feel free, enjoy!

Jon S, sorry to divert the thread a bitā€¦

Iā€™m not the only one ā€œpiling onā€ Mike. You wonā€™t let it go either, and it was your indignant response to my comment that started this, and now youā€™re insulting post on my IQ thatā€™s continuing to escalate the matter. Lighten up mate before you keel over. Or donā€™t. We can keep trading barbs like a couple of twits as long as you want to continue.