J J Prum: the last great wine house priced reasonably.


I haven’t made an honest attempt to look to see who has the 2019s, since I’ve allocated my “budget” elsewhere. A couple 2016 Schloss Lieser Kabinett in the next couple weeks may change that.

I found the Bosconia to be similar if not as extreme. '07 > '06. It’s interesting that they seem to release these on regular schedule 12 years post vintage, or at least have been recently while they hold the gran reservas when they feel they are ready. The fruit in the '07’s just seemed fresher and with more structure. I think the '06’s might have been better closer to vintage.

But it could have just been bottle variability. Maybe I had bad luck with the seals on the '06’s I opened.


For yourself? What is your current inventory of Riesling?

64 cases in one vintage is more than two bottles of riesling for every day of the year.

I just pulled the trigger on the 19 Prum WS Kab and Spat at Wine Cellarage.

Prices are up about 40% since 15. So taking out tariffs a 15% increase isn’t much.

Von Schubert and Schaefer are also very reasonable considering the track record. And Falkenstein is still stupid cheap even with tariffs and shrinking allocations.

With all the Falkenstein allocations of various casks split up all across the city/country, it’s ridiculous how many different retailers I’ve had to use to cobble together a collection of the different cuvees I wanted.

Any thoughts on JJ Prum’s wines from 2003 and 2004? I seem to remember Broadbent thinking that they were not everything that they should have been.

I had the exact opposite impression on the Bosconia. I found ‘06 more precise, fresher, and with more reserve in the tank. Which isn’t to say I didn’t get a weak bottle of ‘07 (maybe I did) or it won’t come together. (I had 2 ‘06s in the last 6 weeks or so with same impression of both.) I tend to have faith in anything LdH. Check back in 30 years!

The GRs are on a ~20 year release cycle now. The ‘01s should come out next year.

hey, the dude loves his Riesling! Fair play to him!

Same. Plus I will be making a trip to Boston at some point this fall to collect the spoils!

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Fortunately, he’s likely not intending to drink them all in one year! :wink:

I really like the 2004’s. Plenty of acid which suits me just fine.

But he bought heavily in 21 other vintages too!

Sounds like a great cellar to me. Not too different from my own, except in the details.

So if you bought 6 cases in a bad year, average 10 cases in the others and had the 64 from the good year that’s over 3,000 bottles of Prum.

Is there anything for sale in your neighborhood?

Don’t agree on Foillard as genre-defining. But LdH and Huet for sure.

Prices are stupid for Huet, especially since my grandkids and great grandkids will be drinking my stash in a ideal world assuming I don’t get to them first. And they are not hard to source on release or to back buy at a discount to release price. (Most recently, I back bought some ‘16s at a discount to release pricing. WHWC currently has good pricing on ‘08s, which is a killer vintage, in case anyone is looking.)

noun. a person whose enthusiasm or zeal for something is extreme or beyond normal limits
usage: David is a Riesling fanatic.

+1. I’ve largely left mine alone because I thought they needed time.

David, what percentage of your cellar is German Riesling? (I think I’m around 20%.)

I am a big fan of the A. J. Adam Dhroner Hofberg Kabinett. For a while I was picking up magnums for under $40 and a 750 is still under $25.

Uhhh grab some more auslese. You know, for the rest of us.