Monthly check-in: Cellar inventory reduction plan

To address Robert G’s comments, I am well into my sunset years(some might say that the sun set a long time ago), hence the need to reduce inventory, neither my wife nor my kids drink reds, so I have been drinking down the reds and only buying(with a few exceptions) whites and rose for current drinking…Have reduced inventory by about 100 bottles/year over the last 3-4 yrs and hope to continue to do so this year…No purchases since January and still drinking 2-3 bottles/week.


Russ, I’d immediately begin negotiating for a second RV dedicated solely to wine storage. :wink:

Indeed. Or refrigerated trailer.

Thanks guys!! Yeah, I’m screwed from a storage cost perspective. Anyone have any good insights on a reasonably priced climate controlled storage facility? Domaine Wine Storage is a tad expensive.

If anyone needs any help I’m well ahead of schedule and will gladly take wines off your hands. I’m thinking particularly of Maureen who must have excess Truchot, but I’m an equal opportunity Good Samaritan.

Russ, just get a self-driving refrigerated truck, put wine racks in the back and slave it to the GPS in your RV. It will follow you everywhere and you can put your entire cellar in it. Win-win-win . . . err . . . wine-wine-wine!


Wines in shippers on the floor or stashed at the office don’t count. They’re still “in transit”. You’re good. [berserker.gif]

Haven’t done a cellar inventory in like 6+ months…ignorance is bliss.


My wife and I started snow birding about 6 years ago. I will guarantee you that the thing you will miss most about home will be access to your cellar. Nothing beats the ability to grab that perfect bottle from the cellar.

I guess I need to actually know how many bottles I have first before I can play, right?

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Thank you Maureen! This thread has already stopped me from making 2 wine purchases. The thought of reporting that my inventory had gone up next month instead of down or holding steady was too embarrassing.

If I don’t open wine I’m not buying any (he said hopefully and with totally unwarranted optimism).

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Yes, you meet 1 or 2 of the criteria for cellar reduction!

Glad to help. I was reading a Fine Wine Review on an Alsace producer and a tasting and pulled up my inventory to see which of his wines I own and realized I hadn’t entered a couple of bottles I’d bought last month. So my inventory went up even tho I haven’t bought anything!

Im still in buying mode. I’m turning 64 next month (yup, queue up that Beatles song). My cellar has been hovering around 925 bottles for the past year or so. That will change when I retire in 2 years. My wine purchases will drop dramatically when I stop working. As the saying goes, “Get while the gettins’ good.”

I drank a bottle of wine tonight, and I did not buy any wine today…I looked, but did not buy…so my cellar reduction is underway.

Then join this thread in 2 years. Shoo, shoo!


I opened three bottles on Monday night for the NCAA Finals. I bought no bottles on Monday. (-3, but one of those was not in CT, so it only counts as -2)

Last night I found 38 empty slots in my cellar and promptly filled them with wine on the floor in cases that the legal ruling above indicated I could consider “in transit” and thus not on the list, so (+38)

After entering the 38 wines I found four slots that had two bottles per location because I had forgotten to remove them and cleaned that up. (-4).

Net for the week to date, +32. Not a good result.

That’s why you have to count wine on the floor and pending bottles in the initial inventory. It’s equivalent to having a huge banana split just before your first Weight Watchers weigh in.

Russ, you’re welcome to store wine in my passive cellar, nine feet underground. You’ll have an RV and can pass through town anytime to reload.

Dropped from 1400 to 1200 bottles over last year. Will drop down to 1000 this year. Only buy daily drinkers now. None to hold.

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