The Official MacDonald Waitlist Thread


The man who first championed MacDonald on this board was Tegan Passalacqua. Always listen to Tegan.[/quote]

Actually, the first mention on WB was Robert Dentice who described my article and first commercial reviews on MacDonald from February 2013. I tried to tell people what would happen. deadhorse

Is there a waitlist to get on this thread?

I am in the MacD waitlist but don’t know when I got in it. Do you all record that or can you see it on the site?

I have a confirmation emails from MacDonald.

I save my emails. When you signed up and made an account an email should have been sent to you.

Signed up 11/7/14 and still no offer. Looks like some signed up days after me and received offers last year. Strange. Hopefully offered this year.

Hello all,

Signed up: 10/28/17
Status: Still on the waiting list

February 13 2016 and no soup for me (yet)

I’m in on 9/25/15 and still in the soup line with you. Hopefully we both get in this year

How do you know when you signed up? For me, it just shows that I’m a member with no allocation. I don’t think I even got a conformation email when I signed up.

Signed up July 2015 no luck yet

March 2015, no joy.

1-Day I was born
2-Graduated from Police Academy
3-Classified !

I keep track of every mailing list I have joined as well as the date I was allocated each wine from the winery and the quantity.

Just kidding, I did a search on my emails and did get a confirmation email of joining the waiting list.

Anybody have any insight on this?

Early 2018 checking in :cry:

Bruce, there was mention in one of the articles posted that part of their contract to sell to Constellation is coming to an end. I think it mentioned 2020.

Might have been in the To Kalon thread

5/14/2020… [popcorn.gif]

July 2018 here… Its going to be a while.

Gotcha , thanks .

If it is 2020 that’s still 3 years to release before they could add a healthy amount to the list