Zachy’s progressive “sale”

The shrink bill from from figuring out why David is determined to make everyone miserable would put all our wine bills to shame, but despite our palates being quite different I don’t think you were bragging at all either.

+1 … not brag, but proud of the haul. Yes, am jelly, too.

To be honest, Zachy’s website still stinks. I clicked on the “Progressive Wine Sale” banner from email and then what pops up? I have no idea, since it was a list of various wines that you sell and I don’t think they were included in the sale since there were some that are not discounted. Your website is tedious to page through, drops carts, and doesn’t always reflect what category of wine (especially whatever sale-de-jour you are offering) you are searching for. Make it easier to use and more honest.

We are on different budgets for wine obviously. $25 is about my average wine. If I try a $600 once a year I am happy.

Use to spend a lot more but drinking what I have. I always say I can buy more if needed.

Ok, but what would be your “year of great wine” for 3 bottles?

I’ve had wines that sold for $600 at the time I drank them, but I have never paid anything close to that for a bottle, don’t know that I have ever had a bottle that the owner paid that much for.

150 Bottles of Davenport Cellars wines before they all sold out for starters. Go to my cellar tracker account:

I don’t have time to put together a list of 72 wines that average $25.00.

It would be nice to go back 30 years and buy a ton of wine for $25.00 a bottle with many of them worth $600 or more! Agree have had some good ones that collectors were generous enough to pour.

I recall a stellar deal for 2004 LMHB purchased a magnum and two 750’s for a small pittance. Think the total cost was $260.00

Their DC store has nice tastings. and you can find an occasional buy there. Very pleasant staff too

So I didn’t wait until tomorrow.
Being a fan of Valdicava, I thought the price I paid today was fair.
Very fair considering the WineSearcher average price is $151 a bottle.
Hell, the 2 bottles I procured from Wine Library last year cost a hundo each.
The bottom line is that over the years when Zachys has a “deal”, it usually is a good to great deal.


The 2015 Valdicava BdM that I procured today for 78 a pop is a good deal in my book. And a gem.


Bleh - kept trying to check out and one by one all my bottles were picked off. Oh well - spent too much this week already.

Couldn’t resist Boulay Sancerre Chavignol for 13/bottle

I stay up way past my bedtime to buy a 6L of '06 Comtes for $1300, although I guess you could argue that is a lot of money for 54 grams of sugar.

I got a few yesterday at $19, by time I got free to see if I could get more this AM you guys had beat me to it. Did get Prado Enea for $48, Caprai Collepiano for $16. Took some flyers on Sadie Family, etc.

bought 2 bottles of the savennieres from laureau, the sagrantino from caprai and the sancerre rouge from riffault…$84 delivered.

im fine with this.

Was that at 60%?

Discount was still at 40% this morning
60% will kick in sometime this afternoon